Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Wimpy Kid Wednesdays: Third Wheel

 Kinney, Jeff / November 14, 2012

Okay, so, as you might have guessed from me taking my time to design and set up a logo, a schedule and a whole blog dedicated to reviewing the entire Diary of a Wimpy Kid book and movie series, I am a big fan of the entire Diary of a Wimpy Kid book and movie series.. but I’m not so sure about The Third Wheel.

So my first issue with the book is that it is not very.. relatable. The target audience for Diary of a Wimpy Kid is.. let’s be honest. This book doesn’t appeal to 14 year olds. It appeals to 8-12 year olds. And I don’t think third graders will have an expierence with a middle school prom.. or middle school.. or a prom..

Secondly, there is no character development at all. There is nobody in this book who degrades or improves their character, they just stay the same horrible jerks or good characters they are. Speaking of characters, Greg is the worst one.

Valentine’s Day is about spending time with someone you LOVE. And Greg doesn’t LOVE any of the girls at his school. He just has a crush on them because they’re cute, but doesn’t actually know anything else about them. So he classifies himself as a good choice for most of the girls, but when one girl rejects him, he goes to another one. And this goes on for 5 percent of the book. Not to mention how he doesn’t think Rowley has a CHANCE of getting a Valentine, which is pretty stupid.. you will NOT believe the way Greg makes Abigail (who he eventually goes to the dance with) not become interested in him.

Nevertheless it is a funny unrelatable book. This definetly is not on my top 5.. but you do you, I guess.

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Wimpy Kid Wednesdays: The Long Haul

Kinney, Jeff / November 5, 2014 I will be honest and completely honest. This book was a slightly bit boring so I didn’t have too much to sa...